The Probability of Employ Direct Current in an All-round Way, from Power Station to Power Supply 从发电到供电全面使用直流电可能性的探讨
The Steady Probability Current of Brownian Motor Driven by δ-correlation Noises δ-函数关联噪声驱动下布朗马达的定态几率流
A more competitive dollar will raise net exports, reducing the probability that the current weakness will turn into an outright recession. 更具竞争力的美元将扩大净出口,降低目前经济疲软演变为真正衰退的可能性。
It is time to prepare for the unthinkable: there is now a significant probability the euro will not survive in its current form. 眼下已到了做最坏打算的时候:欧元很可能无法以目前的形式存续下来。
SQUID. Substituting the formule of the probability current density with the electron-pair wave function, this paper obtains the relation between the magnetic flux of the loop in D. SQUID的量子干涉效应,将电子对波函数代入在磁场中运动的几率流密度公式,得到在D。
Based on the texture correlation of the neighboring image-blocks, part of intra-frame prediction modes with high probability are selected for current image-block, which implement the primary scalability of computational complexity. 利用相邻图像块纹理的相关性,选择概率大的部分预测模式对当前图像块进行处理,实现帧内预测复杂度的初步分级;
The expansion of stationary probability current is derived for molecular motor driven by correlation white noises. 推导了在关联噪声驱动下分子马达定态几率流的表达式。
According to current continuity equations and Poisson's equation, a complete analytic function for recombination probability density, current density and recombination efficiency was given. -3.根据有机发光器件中激子的解离模型及电流连续性方程和Poisson方程,导出-_了其复合几率密度、电流密度及复合效率的解析式。
At the same time, the characteristic of probability of harmonic wave current can be obtained. 同时得到了该次谐波电流的概率统计特性。
This paper applies the principle of real options to analyzing the influence of uncertainty upon the valuation and decision-making of project investment, quantifies the influence by means of risk-neutral probability approach and offers further explanations to current investment behavior. 本文运用实物期权原理分析了不确定性对项目投资评价和决策的影响,通过风险中性概率方法将这些影响予以定量化,并进一步对实际投资行为作出了解释。
In this paper, we establish a probability model through tidal current field model and Lagrangian model of water point, to describe the movement of spilled oil as accident oil spill happening, and to forecast the maximum polluted sea area. 本文采用已建立的湄洲湾潮流场和水质点拉格朗日运动模型,利用概率预测模式,描述一旦发生事故性溢油,海上表面油膜的漂移和扩展过程,预测最大可能的污染海域范围;
The steady probability current increases with the strength of noise increasing, but decreases with the noise correlation time increasing. 在一维周期惯性锯齿势中,随着噪声强度的增加,定态几率流增大;随着噪声自关联时间参数的增加定态几率流反而减小。
The research results are as follows: The author models each pixel of the image with Gaussian Mixture Model ( GMM), to calculate the probability of background pixel in the current image so as to abstract foreground moving objects. 本文的研究成果如下:使用高斯混合模型(GMM)对图像的每个像素进行建模,来计算当前图像中属于背景像素的概率,从而提取出前景运动目标。
To this end, this paper analyzes the student learning and textbook characteristics, and provides the suggestions on the probability teaching in the current four versions of new textbooks. 为此,本文通过分析学生的学情和不同版本教材的特点,提出概率部分的教学建议,特别对使用现行四种不同版本新课标教材的教师给出自己的建议。
Finally the system failure probability at the designed water level is defined to reflect risk probability, and according to the probability distribution curve, the risk probability under current criteria of river diversion is determined. All these will provide technological support for construction diversion decision. 定义系统在设计挡水位失效的概率来描述施工导流系统的风险率,根据概率分布曲线确定现行导流标准下系统的风险率,为施工导流决策提供技术支持。
The paper will point out that there was a fault in deducing the continuity of probability current density through the continuity of wave function and first order devirative by a scholar of Soviet. 本文指出前苏联学者布洛欣采夫由几率流密度的连续性论证波函数及其一阶导数的连续性中有不妥之处。
The Probability Density Current and the Energy Density Current 概率密度流和能量密度流
Locomotive models are established according to different tractive operation ways and the k order moment by the moment compound of random variables is then calculated. The PDF ( Probability Density Function) of the load current can be fitted by the Laguerre polynomial expansion. 根据机车不同的运行方式建立机车模型,通过随机变量矩的合成求出机车电流的k阶原点矩,利用Laguerre多项式展开拟合其概率密度函数PDF(Probabilitydensityfunction)。
In the one dimensional cosine potential, effects of noises correlation parameter on the steady probability current are related to noises strength. 且在一维余弦势场中,定态几率流随着噪声关联参数的变化与噪声强度大小有关;
Direct motion of the single motor protein is treated as motion of Brownian particle in the paper. The expansion of sationary probability current is derived for the Brownian particle driven by internal and external noises simultaneously. 将生物马达蛋白协调定向运动看作是布朗粒子的运动结果,得到了在内外噪声共同驱动下布朗粒子定态几率流的表达式。
On the electrical signal of CO2 welding, the virtual instrument system extracted the characteristic information of welding process stability with the probability density distribution ( PDD) of current and voltage and U-I chart. 针对CO2焊的电信号,利用电流、电压概率密度分布图和U-I图来提取焊接过程稳定性的特征信息;
General boundary conditions and the continuity of probability current density 广义边界条件和概率流密度的连续性
In chapter one, the development and the study significance of the Brownian motor are briefly introduced. In addition, the study significance of probability current and its status are roughly expounded. 第一章对布朗马达的发展概况及研究意义作了简要的介绍,在第一章中,还简单的阐述了几率流的研究意义和研究现状。
The steady state probability current is calculated for different values of colored noise correlation time in different periods. 求出了不同周期中对应于不同的噪声关联时间的定态几率流。
By controlling for the dynamics of health in the formal model, we find that either good initial health or good lag health helps to increase the probability of good current health. 模型中对健康的动态性也进行了控制,发现初期健康良好和滞后期健康良好都能显著增加农村居民当期健康良好的概率。
Combined use of the heuristic information probability and transition probability from around the the current point, resulting from the beginning to the end point feasible way. 综合使用当前点周围的距离启发式信息概率和转移概率,产生由起点到终点的可行路径。
By using the disordered resistance to counteract the turn-off delay, the fast shutdown of the Synchronous Transistor will be realized and the probability of the current back flow will be reduced. 6. 该电路利用失调电阻抵消同步管关断延迟,达到了快速关断同步管的目的,有效的减小了电流倒灌现象的发生。
Sensor node choose next forwarding node dynamically according to the probability depending on the current condition of neighboring nodes and accumulated information about the routes. 节点根据邻居节点当前的状态和以往积累的对路径的评估依循一定的概率选择下一跳节点进行数据的转发。
The main outcomes of our investigation are as follows: First of all, for most quantum waveguide structures we investigate the common characters of the scattering matrix in details, based on the time reversal symmetry and probability current conversation. 我们的主要研究结果如下:首先,我们利用时间反演对称性和几率流守恒原理对量子波导中电子散射矩阵的性质进行了分析,发现了其转置不变性的特点。